Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pi Phi Spring Formal!

On Friday, March 30, Pi Phi held its Spring Formal with Lambda Chi Alpha. The event took place in the Fort Worth Stockyards, and music was provided by a live 90s and country band! The entire chapter had so much fun dressing up and dancing together before buckling down for finals!
 Two freshmen having fun at their first Spring Formal!
A Pi Phi "family" enjoying formal!

Delta Tau Delta Olympics

A few members of the Pi Phi team with their Delta Tau Delta coaches!
On Thursday, April 12, a team of Pi Phi members participated in Delta Tau Delta's new philanthropy, "Delt Olympics." The proceeds from this event benefitted Cook Children's Hospital, a nonprofit healthcare service that has worked to improve children's health since 1918. The competition consisted of five different events: a soccer penalty kick shootout, a basketball game of "knockout," a whiffle ball home run derby, a relay race, and a spirit competition. Our team was also assigned 3 coaches from Delta Tau Delta to help out with events. Overall, we loved getting to participate in Delta Tau Delta's Olympics and support Cook Children's Hospital!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

TCU Pillar of University Leadership Award Winner

On Tuesday, May 1, Texas Christian University held its annual Celebration of University Leadership. This ceremony honors students nominated for both their character and involvement around campus. This year, Pi Phi sophomore Sara Eaton was honored as a recipient of the TCU Pillar of University Leadership Award. This award is given to students who are good leaders on campus and in the community, have good character, and are making a positive change on campus. Sara is a psychology and sociology major and religion minor. She serves as the Vice President of Public Relations on Panhellenic Council, Steering Committee Chair in the Chancellor's Leadership Program, and the Pi Phi Chapter Residence Assistant. We are very proud of Sara and all that she is doing at TCU!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pi Phi Wins Sigma Chi Derby Days Philanthropy!

 On Friday, March 2, Sigma Chi hosted its annual Derby Days sand volleyball tournament, benefitting the Huntsman Cancer Foundation. Derby Days started in 1935 in the University of California (Berkeley), and our Texas Delta chapter was proud to be a part of it! The girls went undefeated in three different volleyball matches, staying calm in the finals to win in a clean 2 out of 3 games. Over 30 girls from our chapter came to either play in the tournament or cheer our team on, bringing some great Pi Phi spirit! Overall, we definitely had a great time getting to support Sigma Chi and winning Derby Days as well!

Preparing for an ace!
The winning Pi Phi team of Sigma Chi Derby Days, as well as our Sigma Chi coaches!